A natural wonder has hit the catwalks of London to showcase some couture. Ms Katie Price adder her signature touch of glamma to what could have been an ordinary old bunch of nickers on some skinny bitches. Price opted for a white afro, giving it that edgy high fashion flavour that she is notorious for amongst the global fashions elite. Onlookers praised Price's confidence and style, noting her good cheer after her recent split with a greasy wog. Later Price was spotted wildly clubbing at a London venue, a source confirmed Price kept the afro on as she gave patrons a sauced up interpretation of Single Ladies - a praised performance in which Price played her tits like bongo drums then when head first into a speaker. Since then Price has Twittered 'Me broke a finganail when me wig got busted in me bitch zippa and me hadda claw the fro out bye bye thumbnail Katie luv you'